Papers of Sir Frederick Treves
TitlePapers of Sir Frederick Treves
Level of descriptionfonds
Admin./ biographical historySir Frederik Treves was a General Surgeon and a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1878). He was elected Hunterian Professor of Anatomy in 1885. Treves gave his Hunterian lectures on the intestinal canal and peritoneum. His studies for these were based on over 100 detailed dissections which he carried out by permission of the pathologists at The London Hospital, on bodies of people who had recently died of conditions other than abdominal diseases, as well as dissections of animals from the London Zoological Gardens, thereby establishing in detail the range of normal variation in anatomical arrangement in the abdomen. The lectures were illustrated by pen and ink and watercolour drawings made by Treves and others. The lectures were published in 1886. He was also Surgeon and Lecturer on Anatomy at the London Hospital between 1884 and 1898.
For more information on Treves' life and career, please visit his profile on Plarr's Lives of the Fellows:$002f$002fSD_ASSET$002f0$002fSD_ASSET:375485/one?qu=frederik+treves&te=ASSET
For more information on Treves' life and career, please visit his profile on Plarr's Lives of the Fellows:$002f$002fSD_ASSET$002f0$002fSD_ASSET:375485/one?qu=frederik+treves&te=ASSET
Scope and ContentContains a series of drawings by Treves to illustrate his Hunterian lectures on the intestinal canal and peritoneum in mammals.
Includes: 1 sheaf of rough sketches and notes in pencil; approximately 50 A3 size watercolours and several smaller sheets with rougher pen and ink drawings.
Each drawing is carefully labelled. Most sheets include several diagrams showing different dissections or areas from the same animal. Animal names are given in Latin but the descriptions are in English.
Includes: 1 sheaf of rough sketches and notes in pencil; approximately 50 A3 size watercolours and several smaller sheets with rougher pen and ink drawings.
Each drawing is carefully labelled. Most sheets include several diagrams showing different dissections or areas from the same animal. Animal names are given in Latin but the descriptions are in English.
Extent1 box
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